UU Congregation at Shelter Rock Services
Audio recordings, at your convenience. Nurture your spirit. Unitarian Universalism draws from the teachings of the major world religions and appeals to people from a diversity of traditions. At the core of our faith are a set of principles that reflect values, rather than dogma. Our religious beliefs vary. For both the heart and the mind, Shelter Rock offers engaging worship, religious education, opportunities for social action, a breadth of extraordinary music, and a community of caring, curious and compassionate people. We aspire to be a loving religious community where we can grow spiritually and build a more just and joyful world.
UU Congregation at Shelter Rock Services
The Same Ax Twice, led by Rev. Jaye Brooks
Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock
Season 2022
Episode 1113
Change is remarkable in the way it leaves us different and yet at heart still the same person. But human change is also complex—the way anything is complex when human beings are involved. Howard Mansfield’s insightful 2001 book, The Same Ax, Twice, explores how the restoration of things—like an old ax with a new handle—involves both change and stability. What about people? How do we retain stability while allowing change to equip us for better, values-based living? We considered these questions on Sunday, November 13, 2022.