UU Congregation at Shelter Rock Services

The Art of Gathering, led by Rev. Dr. Natalie Fenimore

October 24, 2021 Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock Season 2021 Episode 1024
UU Congregation at Shelter Rock Services
The Art of Gathering, led by Rev. Dr. Natalie Fenimore
Show Notes

Once again, we gathered with those outside our family or lockdown groups.! What happens when a group of people gather? Can we facilitate spaces where learning can happen and people can welcome change? Can we sit with expansive questions and complicated answers? In her book, “The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters”, Priya Parker describes gathering as an art; an art to be tended, practiced, honed, and honored. How does our community engage with the art of gathering? We considered these questions on October 24, 2021.